
Transcript: The Impossible Escape From the European Union (with Anton Jäger and Dominik Leusder)

14 Dec 2022
Read the transcript of our interview with Anton Jäger and Dominik Leusder of Eurotrash podcast:

Europe w/ Anton Jäger & Dominik Leusder

10 Oct 2022
Featuring Anton Jäger and Dominik Leusder on Europe and the European Union from the crises of social democratic welfare states in the 1970s and 80s, the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, through the eurozone crisis, to...

Labour's Brexit Bind with Grace Blakeley, Maya Goodfellow, and Richard Seymour

07 Jun 2019
Brexit has so dominated UK politics that it has put the Labour Party in a profoundly difficult and perhaps untenable position of strategic ambiguity toward how to handle the never-ending matter of leaving the EU....

The European Situation with Chris Bickerton and Jerome Roos

05 Jun 2019
This week and next, we’re bringing you five episodes on European politics. Today, we’re starting things off with Chris Bickerton and Jerome Roos for an overview of the European situation and the debate on the...