About Dan
Solidarity Is the Only Thing That Can Save Us w/ Astra Taylor and Leah Hunt-Hendrix
“Models and Bottles” Clubs’ Extravagance and Exploitation w/ Ashley Mears
Why Is the US Still Backing Israeli Genocide? w/ Waleed Shahid and Dylan Saba
How Alabama Communists Organized in the Jim Crow South w/ Robin D. G. Kelley
Revisiting Marx’s Eighteenth Brumaire w/ Dylan Riley
Ayn Rand Had a Fragile Ego, Incoherent Ideas, and Bad Taste w/ Lisa Duggan
Why the Far Right Rules Modi’s India w/ Achin Vanaik
The Cost of Germany’s Guilt Politics w/ Emily Dische-Becker
How the West Remade the Middle East w/ Ussama Makdisi
The Libertarians Who Dream of a World Without Democracy w/ Quinn Slobodian
Populism Belongs to the Left w/ Thomas Frank
America's Origin Story Is a Myth w/ Nick Estes
How the Ruling Class Became Vulgar w/ Doug Henwood
What Yemen’s Houthis Want w/ Helen Lackner
China’s Economy Dodged Neoliberal Shock Therapy — and Boomed w/ Isabella Weber
Neoliberalism From the Left w/ Stephanie Mudge
China Miéville on The Communist Manifesto’s Enduring Power
Why a Decade of Protests Didn’t Lead to Revolution
The US Labor Movement Had a Banner Year in 2023 w/ Alex Press and Eric Blanc
Mohammed el-Kurd: We Must Be Willing to Sacrifice to End Israel’s War
J. Edgar Hoover Tried to Destroy the Left — and Liberals Enabled Him
The Black Radical Tradition Can Guide Our Struggles Against Oppression w/ Robin D.G. Kelley
Property, Race, Colonialism, and Capitalism w/ Brenna Bhandar
How Capitalism Remade Homophobia
Making Sense of Antonio Gramsci
For Workers, Hospitals Have Become the New Steel Mills — Minus the Strong Unions (with Gabriel Winant)
New Deal–Era Leftists Tried to Win Beautiful Social Housing for the Masses (w/ Gail Radford)
The United States Has Used Latin America as Its Imperial Laboratory (with Greg Grandin)
Michael Denning on Antonio Gramsci and Hegemony
Inflation Is About Class Struggle (with Tim Barker)
Today’s Conservative Movement Has Roots in the Capitalist Backlash Against the New Deal (with Kim Phillips-Fein)
The Impossible Escape From the European Union (with Anton Jäger and Dominik Leusder)
Neoliberalism Was a Counterrevolution Against Democracy (with Quinn Slobodian)
The ACLU’s Drift From Radical to Neutral Tells the Story of Modern American Liberalism (w/ Laura Weinrib)
Identity, Power, and Speech with Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò
Ruth Wilson Gilmore w/ Alberto Toscano and Brenna Bhandar
Clash of Empires w/ Ho-fung Hung
China Boom w/ Ho-fung Hung
The New Democrats w/ Lily Geismer
Russia Invades w/ Tony Wood
The History of American Public Housing Shows It Didn’t Have to Decline (with Edward Goetz)
Private Money with Stefan Eich
Cryptocurrency w/ Edward Ongweso Jr & Jacob Silverman
Bolsonarismo with Rodrigo Nunes
Afghanistan with Tariq Ali
Climate Politics with Kate Aronoff
Resource Radicals with Thea Riofrancos
What Now with Cornel West
Ruins of Neoliberalism with Wendy Brown
Unforgetting with Roberto Lovato
Organize and Fight with Ilhan Omar
Abolish the Family with Sophie Lewis
Our History Is the Future with Nick Estes
Rashida Tlaib
Real Estate Capitalism and Gentrification with Samuel Stein
Un laboratorio del socialismo en Chile. Entrevista con Daniel Jadue.
Feminism for the 99% with Tithi Bhattacharya
Palestine Politics with Linda Sarsour
Astra Taylor on Democracy
Rethinking Migration with Aziz Rana
Family Values with Melinda Cooper
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on the Life of Howard Zinn
Beyond Economism with Nancy Fraser
Kaniela Ing Is Fighting for Aloha
A New Party of a New Kind
Bernie Sanders on Ocasio-Cortez: We're seeing it all over this country
Cynthia Nixon on Challenging Cuomo in Wake of Ocasio-Cortez Win
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Winning Power
Bernie Sanders on Ocasio-Cortez: We're seeing it all over this country
David Harvey on Capital
Naomi Klein and Mercedes Martínez: The Battle for Puerto Rico
MLK, Political Philosopher. With Tommie Shelby and Brandon Terry.
Glenn Greenwald: Surveillance Hypocrisy Amid Russiagate Mania
Revisiting Racecraft with Barbara and Karen Fields
Peace Can Happen in Korea with Tim Shorrock
Corey Robin: Trump's Reactionary Mind
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández: On DACA
Kate Aronoff: Populist Revolt Against The Climate Crisis
Christy Thornton: Confronting the Neoliberal Narco-State in Mexico
Sarah Jones: What's the Matter with Appalachia? Capitalism
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on Black Liberation and Socialism
Matt Bruenig on Why Welfare is Great and Why We Need More