
Our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century.

Thawra Ep. 15 – Black September

17 Jul 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the FIFTEENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment addresses the Palestinian Revolution’s project in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan—leading up to...

Thawra Ep. 14 – The Palestinian Revolution

07 Jul 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the FOURTEENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment covers the rise of the Palestinian Revolution and then its explosion after...

Thawra Ep. 13 – Revolutionary Arabia

19 Jun 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the THIRTEENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment covers the armed left-wing revolutionary movements that challenged British imperial power across...

Thawra Ep. 12 – Origins of Saudi Reaction

09 Jun 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the TWELFTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment tells the story of Saudi Arabia, a country whose reactionary, US-aligned trajectory...

Thawra Ep. 11 – Ba’ath Seize Power

23 May 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the ELEVENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment tells the story of the destruction of the two giant revolutionary...

Thawra Ep. 10 – Iraqi Revolution, Communist Power

11 May 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the TENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment tells the story of Iraq’s 1958 July Revolution: a Free Officers’...

Thawra Ep. 9 – Palestine on the Road to Revolution

03 May 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the NINTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment covers the creation of a Palestinian national liberation movement throughout the...

Thawra Ep. 8 – Origins of the Arab New Left

26 Apr 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the EIGHTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. This is a compact introduction to the Movement of Arab Nationalists, which in...

Thawra Ep. 7 – United Arab Republic Against Eisenhower

10 Apr 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the SEVENTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out the the US’s Eisenhower Doctrine, which in 1957 inaugurated...

Thawra Ep. 6 – Cold War Heats Up

02 Apr 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the SIXTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out the intensification of the Cold War across the Middle...

Thawra Ep. 5 – The Struggle for Syria

23 Mar 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the FIFTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out the early years of a struggle for Syria that...

Thawra Ep. 4 – From the Nakba to Nasser

11 Mar 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the FOURTH episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out the politics surrounding the Zionist settler colonial destruction of...

Thawra Ep. 3 – The Post-Colonial Arab State System

04 Mar 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the THIRD episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment is a comprehensive overview of the Middle Eastern Arab state system...

Thawra Ep. 2 – Birth of Arab Nationalism

27 Feb 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the second episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment lays out 20th century anti-colonialism, including Iraqi, Syrian, and Palestinian Great...

Thawra Ep. 1 – Europe’s Imperial Juggernaut

21 Feb 2024
Featuring Abdel Razzaq Takriti, this is the first episode of Thawra (Revolution), our rolling mini-series on Arab radicalism in the 20th century. Today’s installment sets the stage: European imperialism in the Arab Mashriq from the...